1800 773 743

Infection Control Protocols

Infection Control Protocols
August 9, 2023 Presidental

Are you aware of the changes to infection control standards, and the upcoming impacts that they will have on your clinic from next year? Most clinics are not aware, as the new standards are currently in final review phase – having had public comments stage closed in mid-July

What we do know from the drafted standards that have been published AS/NZ: 5369, is that medical and dental clinics will be bound to an infection control standard that no longer distinguishes between office-based and hospital-based clinics.

Hospital-based clinics are required to have a validated process for disinfection, prior to sterilisation of the instruments used on patients.

Previously sterilisation staff have manually scrubbed instruments, and used an ultrasonic bath to cavitate bio-burden loose from instruments, or have used single-use instruments.

The problem with manually scrubbing is that it can not be validated, as the new drafted standards require a systematic approach to tracking disinfection.

For example – monitoring and tracking of the temperature of the water in the sink, the dosage of the chemistry in the sink, the time of soaking and scrubbing, and the use of demineralised water for final rinse of instruments – all need to be traced and validated.

The problem with ultrasonic baths is that they do not have ability to track cycles, and they do not provide a final rinse with demineralised water after ultrasonic cavitation with the chemistry.

The problem with single-use instruments is that they are expensive to order and dispose of, and are a risk when it comes to supply chain issues, and a burden on our environment when it comes to plastic waste.

Presidental is helping many medical clinics on the NSW East Coast to get ahead of the changes that are coming into effect very soon.

The solution is Thermal Washer Disinfectors, which provide a validated and traceable disinfection cycle, ahead of autoclave sterilisation – which is also traceable per cycle.

The benefits of Thermal Washer Disinfectors (TWDs) to medical clinics are significant:

  • No more manual scrubbing at the sink, means more productivity with other tasks
  • Reduced stress and exposure for staff and clinic owners regarding infection control
  • Safer reprocessing – no hand scrubbing = less risk of sharps injuries
  • Self-sustainability for clinics = less liability on supply-chains, and expensive single-use instruments
  • More efficient workflow when it comes to disinfection, sterilisation and traceability.

Many clinics are installing TWDs now, before it becomes logistically difficult to comply with the new standards.

Clinics want to safeguard against interruption to patient flow, stress in having to quickly make decisions to make sure you comply with new standards, and to keeping up with other local clinics who are already ahead of the changes that are coming into effect next year.

Presidental have 23 service technicians and are positioned well to supply and maintain the ideal equipment for disinfection and sterilisation at your clinic.

If you are interested in some information about Thermal Washer Disinfectors, or would like to place an order before prices and demand go up – please do not hesitate to give us a call on 1 800 773 743